What is a Bogey in Golf | Learn Bogey Golf Strategy

professional bogey golfers playing golf

Golf is a sport that’s loved by millions of people worldwide. It’s a game of precision, skill, and strategy that requires players to navigate a course, avoiding obstacles and putting the ball in the hole. But if you’re new to golf, you might wonder what some terms mean, like Bogey.

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! In this blog, we’ll explain what is a bogey in golf and why it’s essential to understand this term to improve your game. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, understanding bogeys is a must.

So, let’s dive in and discover everything you need to know about bogeys. Are you struggling to improve your golf game and reduce your bogeys? We understand how frustrating it can be, so we’ve created this blog to help you understand the basics of golf and improve your overall performance. Let’s get started!

bogey golf

What is a bogey in golf

Golf is a sport loved by many, but for those who are new to the game, some terms may be confusing. One such term is “bogey.” You may have heard golfers talk about it, but what does it mean, and how does it affect your game? In this blog, I’ll explain what a bogey is and how it impacts your score.

Let’s start with the definition of a bogey. In golf, a bogey score is one stroke over par for a particular hole.

Par is the number of strokes a skilled golfer should take to complete the hole. So, if the par for a hole is four, a bogey would be a score of five. Bogey golf is when a player consistently scores one stroke over par for each hole.

Now, what’s the big deal about a bogey? Well, the goal in golf is to have the lowest score possible. Each time you take a stroke over par, it adds to your score, making it harder to catch up with other players who have fewer strokes.

To put it into perspective, let’s say you’re playing a round of golf and have a par score of 72. If you consistently score one stroke over par on each hole, your total score would be 90. That’s 18 strokes over par, a significant difference in a game where every stroke counts.

 How to play bogey golf:

Playing bogey golf means you can complete the course with an average of one over par for each hole. It’s not easy, but it’s achievable with some practice and tips. Here’s how to play bogey golf:

  1. Understand the course – Before you start playing, take some time to walk the course and study the layout. Take note of any hazards, such as sand traps or water hazards, and plan your shots accordingly.
  2. Choose the right clubs – Make sure you have the right clubs in your bag for each shot. Use a driver or a fairway wood for long shots, irons for medium-length shots, and a putter for short shots on the green.
  3. Work on your swing – Your swing is the foundation of your golf game, so it’s essential to practice regularly to improve your swing mechanics. Take lessons from a golf pro or practice at the driving range.
  4. Focus on accuracy over distance – It’s tempting to try hitting the ball as far as possible, but accuracy is more important than distance when playing bogey golf. Focus on hitting the ball straight and avoiding hazards.
  5. Play conservatively – When playing bogey golf, it’s better to play it safe and avoid risks. Don’t take unnecessary chances, and aim for the centre of the fairway instead of trying to hit a shot over a hazard.
  6. Practice your short game – Your short game, including chipping and putting, is as important as your long game. Practice your short game regularly to improve your accuracy and consistency.
  7. Manage your emotions – Golf can be frustrating, but it’s important to stay calm and focused, even when things don’t go your way. Take deep breaths, visualize your shots, and don’t let frustration get the best of you.
  8. Keep score – To play bogey golf, you need to keep track of your score and make sure you’re not going over one stroke over par for each hole. Use a scorecard or a golf app to keep track of your score.

Bogey Golf Rules:

Bogey golf is a popular format in golf that can be played in many different ways. While there are no strict rules to follow, some guidelines can help make the game more enjoyable and fair for all players. Here are some of the rules to keep in mind when playing bogey golf:

  1. Scoring: In bogey golf, the goal is to finish each hole in one stroke over the designated par for that hole. For example, if the hole is a par 4, the goal is to finish in 5 strokes or less. The player’s score for the round is the total number of strokes over par for all 18 holes.
  2. Tee shots: Players should tee off from the designated tee box for their skill level. Generally, men will tee off from the back tees, women from the forward tees, and juniors from the middle tees. Players must wait for the group ahead of them to clear the hole before teeing off.
  3. Playing the ball: Players should play the ball as it lies, without moving it or improving their lie. If the ball lands in a hazard or out of bounds, players should follow the appropriate rules for penalty strokes and taking a drop.
  4. Etiquette: Players should respect their fellow competitors and the course itself. This includes repairing divots, raking bunkers, and avoiding slow play.
  5. Rules dispute: If there is a dispute about the rules, players should try to resolve it among themselves. If necessary, a course marshal or tournament official can be called to make a ruling.

Is bogey golf good?

Bogey golf is not only good but also an impressive feat in golf. For most golfers, playing bogey golf is a realistic goal and a sign of improvement. Playing bogey golf means you’re consistently scoring one stroke over par on each hole, which is considered a good score in golf. Here are some reasons why bogey golf is a good thing:

  1. Realistic Goal: Not every golfer can hit par or birdie on each hole. Playing bogey golf means playing one stroke over par, which is a realistic goal for many golfers.
  2. Improvement: Consistently playing bogey golf means you’re improving your game. You’re hitting the ball better and making better decisions on the course.
  3. Challenge: Playing bogey golf can be challenging but also rewarding. It requires focus, strategy, and good decision-making skills.
  4. Enjoyment: Playing bogey golf can be enjoyable and less stressful than playing under par. It lets you focus on playing well and having fun on the course.

Types of bogey golf:

When it comes to bogey golf, there are different types of bogeys that you should know about. A bogey is a score of one over par on a hole, meaning you took one more stroke than the recommended number of strokes for that hole. But what about double bogeys, triple bogeys, and quadruple bogeys? Here’s a breakdown of the different types of bogey golf:

  • A double Bogey occurs when you take two more strokes than the recommended number of strokes for the hole. For example, if a par-4 hole is recommended to take four and six strokes, you’ve earned yourself a double bogey.
  • Triple Bogey occurs when you take three more strokes than the recommended number of strokes for the hole. So if you take seven strokes on a par-4 hole, you’ve just achieved a triple bogey.
  • Quadruple Bogey: This happens when you take four more strokes than the recommended number of strokes for the hole. You’ve just scored a quadruple bogey if you took eight strokes on a par-4 hole.

Bogey Golf Strategy and How To Play Bogey Golf

Bogey golf scoring process:

Regarding scoring in golf, the bogey system is one of the most commonly used methods. It’s simple, easy to understand, and allows players of different skill levels to compete on a level playing field. In this section, I’ll explain the bogey golf scoring process step-by-step:

  1. Determine the par for the course: Before you start playing, you need to know the par for each hole on the course. Par is the number of strokes a skilled golfer must make to complete the hole. For example, if a hole is a par 4, you must complete it in four strokes.
  2. Calculate your handicap: To calculate your bogey golf score, you first need to determine your handicap. This is a measure of your skill level, and it’s used to adjust your score to account for the difficulty of the course. Your handicap is calculated by subtracting your course handicap from your score.
  3. Determine your target score: Your target score is calculated by adding your handicap to the par for each hole. For example, if the par for a hole is 4 and your handicap is 1, your target score is 5.
  4. Score each hole: To calculate your bogey golf score for each hole, compare your actual score to your target score. If you make the target score or less, you get a par. You get a bogey if you take one stroke more than the target score. If you take two strokes more than the target score, you get a double bogey, and so on.
  5. Add up your scores: Once you’ve scored each hole, add your scores to get your total bogey golf score for the round.
  6. Compare your score to par: To understand how well you played, compare your score to the score for the course. If your score equals the par, you played at even par. If you scored one stroke less than the par, you played under par, and if you scored one stroke more than the par, you played over par.


Bogey golf is a great way to enjoy the game of golf and improve your skills. It’s a scoring system that challenges you to make par on each hole but also allows for some mistakes. Following the rules and strategies we discussed, you can play bogey golf like a pro and have fun.

Remember to focus on accuracy and consistency rather than trying to hit the ball as far as possible. Also, practice your short game and work on your mental game to stay focused and confident on the course. With some practice and dedication, you can become a proficient bogey golfer and enjoy the game even more.

So get out there, hit the links, and start playing bogey golf today!

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What is a bogey in golf?

A bogey is a score of one over par on a single hole.

How is a bogey calculated in golf?

A bogey is calculated by taking one stroke more than the par score for the hole.

What is the difference between a bogey and a double bogey in golf?

A bogey score is one over par, while a double bogey is two over par.

What is a good score for a bogey golfer?

A good score for a bogey golfer is typically around 90, which is 18 strokes over par for an 18-hole round.

Is bogey golf good?

Bogey golf is a good level of play for many recreational golfers, as it allows for occasional good shots while still keeping the game challenging.

What is the highest score in golf?

The highest score in golf is theoretically unlimited, but the highest recorded score for a single hole is 27 strokes over par.

Can a bogey golfer play in tournaments?

Yes, many golf tournaments are open to bogey golfers, and there are often separate divisions or handicaps for players of different skill levels.