Mastering Iron Shots in Golf: 9 Beginner-Friendly Tips for Success

Golf, a sport demanding skill and precision, hinges on mastering iron shots. These clubs, tailored for various shot lengths, excel from green chips to fairway approaches.

Definition of an Iron Shot:

An iron shot in golf involves direct contact between the club head and the ball, utilizing loft and weight for targeted propulsion. Usually deployed for mid to short-range distances, spanning 100 to 200 yards.

Benefits of Playing Iron Shots in Golf

iron shots

There are several benefits to using irons in your golf game. Some of these include:

  • Improved control: Irons allow for more precise shots compared to other clubs, making them ideal for navigating tricky terrain on the course.
  • Versatility: With a variety of iron clubs in your bag, you have the ability to adjust your shot distance and trajectory depending on the situation.
  • Increased accuracy: Irons have smaller club heads, which allows for better contact with the ball and reduces the chances of mishits.

Pre-Shot Setup for Solid Iron Shots

Before you swing, it’s important to set up properly for a successful iron shot. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Stance: Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with your weight evenly distributed on both feet.
  • Ball position: The ball should be positioned slightly ahead of the centre of your stance, towards your front foot.
  • Grip: A proper grip on the club is crucial for control and accuracy. Ensure your hands are placed comfortably on the club, with your dominant hand slightly lower.
  • Posture: Bend slightly at the hips, keeping your back straight and bending your knees to maintain balance.

How to Take Iron Shots During Play

  1. Choose the appropriate club: The key to a successful iron shot is selecting the right club for the distance and terrain. Typically, a higher number iron (e.g. 6 or 7) will have more loft and be better suited for shorter distances, while a lower number iron (e.g. 2 or 3) will have less loft and be better for longer shots.
  2. Address the ball: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and position the ball in line with your front foot, slightly ahead of centre.
  3. Grip the club: Use a relaxed grip, making sure to keep your hands and arms connected throughout the golf swing.
  4. Take a smooth backswing: Keep your arms straight and make a controlled backswing, focusing on a smooth motion rather than power.
  5. Swing down and through: As you swing down towards the ball, keep your head still and shift your weight onto your front foot. Make contact with the ball just before the bottom of your arc and follow through towards your target.

9 Easy Tips for Beginners To Improve Iron Shots

iron shots

If you’re new to golf and want to improve your iron play, here are 9 easy tips to get you started:

Tip 1: Understand the Different Types of Irons

Before we dive into the tips for playing irons, it’s important first to understand the different types of irons available. Generally, irons are categorized into three types: long irons (2-4), mid irons (5-7), and short irons (8-PW). Each type has a specific purpose on the course, with long irons used for longer shots and short irons used for shorter shots.

Tip 2: Master Your Grip

Having a proper grip is crucial for any golf shot, but it’s especially important when playing irons. A neutral grip with your hands should allow the clubface to be square at impact, resulting in a straighter and more accurate shot.

Tip 3: Find Your Stance and Ball Position

When setting up for a crisp iron shot, your golf stance should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your feet parallel to the target line. The ball position should be in the centre of your stance for long irons and gradually move towards your front foot for shorter irons.

Tip 4: Keep Your Eyes on the Ball

It’s essential to keep your eyes on the ball throughout your swing, as this helps with accuracy and contact. Focus on keeping your head still and not lifting it up during the swing.

Tip 5: Use a Smooth Swing

It can be tempting to try and hit the ball as hard as possible when playing irons, but this often leads to mishits. Instead, focus on making a smooth golf swing with a good tempo and letting the club do the work.

Tip 6: Take a Divot

When hitting an iron shot, it’s important to take a divot after impact. This means striking the golf ball first and then taking a small piece of grass or turf with your club shaft. Taking a divot helps ensure that you are making contact with the ball first and not topping it.

Tip 7: Pay Attention to Your Clubface Angle

The angle of attack of your clubface at impact can greatly affect the direction and trajectory of your shot. Make sure to keep the clubface square to the target line for straighter shots.

Tip 8: Practice Your Short Game

While irons are often used for longer shots, they can also be effective around the green—practice golf at home using different short irons for chip shots and pitches to improve your short game.

Tip 9: Get Fitted for the Right Clubs

Lastly, it’s essential to get fitted for the right golf irons that suit your golf swing and ability level. Properly fitted golf clubs can improve your performance and make playing irons much easier.


Playing irons in golf may seem daunting at first, but with practice and these easy tips, you’ll be hitting precise and accurate shots in no time. An Average golfer (handicap 16-20) would use irons for nearly 40% of their shots during a round. So, it’s worth investing time and effort into mastering your iron play to improve your overall game on the course.

Remember to focus on the fundamentals, stay relaxed, and have fun on the course!

Happy Golfing!!