How to Play Wolf in Golf | Mastering the Rules of Wolf Golf

what is wolf in golf

Do you want to spice up your golf game and make it more exciting? Look no further than the game of Wolf. It is suitable for golfers of all abilities and gives your round an edge over other players.


Golf is a game of strategy, skill, and precision. If you want to take your golf game to the next level and add more competition, then it’s the right time to learn how to play Wolf in golf.


Wolf is a popular golf betting game involving four players, each taking turns to be the “Wolf” for the hole. The Wolf can either play alone against the other three players or team up with one other player to compete against the other two. The goal is to score the lowest number of strokes and win the hole.


Playing Wolf adds an element of excitement to your round and allows players to be more strategic with their shots. It’s also an excellent way to bond with your golf buddies and make friendly wagers.


This game has a long history, and its roots date back to the mid-2oth century in the United States. It has been a favourite game of players of all levels since then.


This blog will examine the rules and strategies of playing Wolf in golf. There are various roles players can play during the game; here, we will offer you a few tips to make the most out of it. By the end of this article, you’ll be ready to hit the course and dominate your next game of Wolf. So, grab your clubs and let’s get started!


How to Play Wolf in Golf

The game of wolf is played with four players. At the beginning of each hole, the players determine the order in which they will tee off. This order will rotate throughout the round. The player who tees off first is known as the “wolf.”


After the first player has tee off, they must decide whether to pick that player as their partner for the hole or to wait for the other players to tee off. If the Wolf decides to wait, the next player to tee off becomes the potential partner, and so on, until the Wolf chooses a partner or the last player has teed off.


Once the Wolf has selected a partner, they must decide on the bet for the hole. The most common bet is for the team with the lowest combined score to win the hole. However, the Wolf can also play the hole alone and bet against all three other players.


Basic wolf golf game rules:

wolf golf game

The Number of Players and Teams: This game is played with four players, that is, either four players as individuals or with two players as a team each. In the latter case, the teams are decided by a draw or mutual agreement.

Order of Play and Tee Selection: The players rotate the tee shots, with the first player will be decided by a draw or mutual agreement. The player who tees off first is called the “Wolf”. The Wolf can play alone or choose a partner among the other three players for that hole. The Wolf must decide whether to go first or last in the group’s order of play.

Scoring and Point System: The scoring is done on a per-hole basis. The team or individual with the lowest score wins the hole. The Wolf can earn more points by playing alone and beating the other players.

If the Wolf chooses a partner, the points are divided between them based on their score relative to the other team. The Wolf earns twice the points of their partner. The game typically lasts for 18 holes, and the player or team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Also, learn here some quick steps to play golf better 


Advance wolf golf rules:

If the Wolf plays alone and wins the hole, they receive three points.

The Wolf will drop three points if they play alone and lose the hole.

The Wolf and their partner score one point if they successfully complete the hole.

Each point is lost if the Wolf and their partner fail to fill the hole.

As “automatic partners,” two players who tie for the lowest score on a hole must pick one of them to play with on that hole.

The game continues in this manner for all 18 holes. At the end of the round, the player with the most points wins.


Variations of the Wolf Golf Game

The Wolf Golf Game has several variations that can be played depending on the players’ preferences. Here are some of the most common formats and betting options:


Lone Wolf Golf:

In this format, one player becomes the “Lone Wolf” and plays against the other three players. The Lone Wolf Golf can play their ball alone or choose one of the other player’s balls as a partner.

 Six Point:

This format is similar to Lone Wolf Golf, but instead of one player being the Lone Wolf, two players team up against the other two players. The team that wins the hole gets six points; if the Lone Wolf wins, they get six points.

Peoria System:

This format involves players randomly selecting nine holes before the round begins. After the round, the scores on those holes are combined and multiplied by three to determine the winner.


In this format, each hole is worth a certain amount of money or points. The player with the lowest score on the hole wins the pot. The pot carries over to the next hole if there is a tie.


In this variation, the player who hits the second shot on each hole becomes the “defender.” The defender can choose to partner with the Wolf or one of the other players. The point values remain the same.

Pro-Am Wolf:

In this variation, one player is designated as the “pro,” and the other three are “amateurs.” The pro always plays alone and bets against the amateurs. The point values remain the same.

Blind Wolf:

In this variation, the Wolf is determined randomly before each hole. The point values remain the same.


Pros and cons of wolf golf variation

Lone Wolf Golf:

Pros – This format can be exciting and competitive, as one player takes on the other three. It also allows for strategic play, as the Lone Wolf golf game can play alone or with a partner.

Cons – It can be difficult for the Lone Wolf golf game to win, as they are playing against three other players.

Six Point:

 Pros – This format allows for more teamwork and strategy, as two players compete against the other two.

 Cons – It can be difficult for Lone Wolf Golf to win, as they are still playing against two other players.

Peoria System:

 Pros – This format is unique and can add an extra element of excitement to the game. Players of various skills are allowed to compete with each other. 

Cons – Keeping track of which holes were selected before the round begins can be challenging.


Pros – This format is easy to understand and lucrative if many players are involved.

Cons – It can be challenging to track which holes have already been won, and the pot can carry over to the next hole, making the betting more complicated.


Strategies and Tips for Playing Wolf Golf:

Choosing Your Partner Wisely:

When you are the Wolf, one crucial decision you have to make is to choose the right partner, as it has a massive role in the success of your game. Look for players who are consistent and reliable. While choosing, you can also consider their strengths and weaknesses along with their playing style.

Knowing When to be Aggressive or Defensive:

Aggressiveness and defensive play are crucial parts of the game; you should know when to be and when not to be aggressive and defensive for the game to be successful. On the other hand, if you are trailing, you should take some risks and play aggressively to catch up. Additionally, you need to be able to adjust your strategy based on the other player’s performance and the course conditions.

Overall, the Wolf Golf Game is a fun and challenging way to add variety to your regular golf game. A combination of luck and strategy can make out the top be the Wolf of the course.

Managing Your Bets and Bankroll:

Before starting the game, set a budget for your bets and stick to it. Keeping track of scores and bets is also essential to avoid confusion or disputes.


How to play Wolf in golf with 3 or 5 players:

First, let me give you a brief overview of how the game works. In Wolf, players take turns being the “Wolf,” who chooses whether to play the hole alone against the other players or partner with one of them for the hole.

The Wolf decides before any shots are taken at the hole. The other players are referred to as “the Pack.”

The Wolf can win or lose more points depending on their decision, so choosing wisely is essential. Here are the rules for playing Wolf with 3 and 5 players:


Wolf with three players:

Each player takes a turn being the Wolf, rotating through all players throughout the round.

Before teeing off on a hole, the Wolf decides whether to play the hole alone against the other two players or partner with one of them.

The Wolf receives three points if they decide to play the hole alone and succeed. They forfeit three points if they lose. Each of them receives one point if the Wolf decides to play in a team with one of the other players and prevails.

The non-Wolf player loses one point if they lose, but Wolf’s score remains unaffected.

If the Wolf decides not to partner with anyone, they can still win or lose one point based on the outcome of the hole.

After the hole is complete, the next player in the rotation becomes the Wolf, and the game continues.


Wolf with five players:

Each player takes a turn being the Wolf, rotating through all players throughout the round.

Before teeing off on a hole, the Wolf decides whether to play the hole alone against the other four players or partner with one of them. The Wolf receives four points if they opt to play the hole alone and succeed. They forfeit four points if they lose. Each player receives two points if the Wolf wins in a partnership with one of the other players.

The non-Wolf player loses two points if they lose, but Wolf’s score remains unaffected. If the Wolf decides not to partner with anyone, they can still win or lose one point based on the outcome of the hole.

After the hole is complete, the next player in the rotation becomes the Wolf, and the game continues.



Wolf is a fun and challenging game to play on the golf course. It requires strategy, skill, and a bit of luck. Following the rules outlined in this blog, you can enjoy a round of golf with your golfing buddies. And if you’re looking to mix things up, try one of the game variations mentioned above.

In summary, Wolf is a fun and exciting golf game that golfers of all levels can play. The game involves four players, who take turns being the “Wolf” and selecting their teammate for each hole.

The Wolf can play alone or with their chosen teammate, and the scoring system rewards individual and team performance.

While there are no guarantees, the popularity of Wolves is likely to continue growing in the future. As golfers seek new ways to challenge themselves and have fun on the course, games like Wolf offer a fresh perspective and a chance to try something new.

We also expect to see more variations and adaptations of the game as golfers develop their own rules and twists on the basic format. Whether it’s played with a different number of players or on a different type of course, the possibilities for the Wolf Golf Game are endless.



What are the rules of Wolf in golf?

 The rules of Wolf in golf are simple. At the beginning of each hole, the players take turns to be the “Wolf,” who can either play alone against the other three players or choose a partner for that hole. The Wolf must make their decision before seeing any of the other players’ shots.
What is wolf golf?

Wolf Golf is a fun and exciting golf betting game that can be played with friends. The game involves rotating the role of the “Wolf” among the players, who can either play alone or choose a partner for the hole. The Wolf has the advantage of choosing their partner after seeing everyone’s tee shots, adding an element of strategy and unpredictability to the game.

What is Wolf vs. Golf?

Wolf vs. golf is not a recognized game in golf. Someone may be referring to “Wolf” and “Skins golf” games, two different betting games played in golf. Wolf is the game where a player rotates as the “Wolf” and has the option to play alone or choose a partner for the hole, while Skins is a game where each hole is worth a certain amount of money, and the player with the lowest score wins the “skin.”

Can you play Wolf with three golfers?

Yes, Wolf can be played with three golfers. In a three-person game of Wolf, each player takes turns being the Wolf, and the other two players play together as partners. The Wolf can play alone against the other two players or choose a partner for the hole.

 What is Six-man Wolf golf?

Six-man Wolf is a variation of the Wolf golf game played with six golfers. In this game version, two players are the Wolves for each hole, and they alternate, taking turns being the Wolf. The Wolves can either play alone against the other four players or choose a partner for the hole. 
The bet is typically double the amount per point for a lone Wolf win, and each winning Wolf and their partner earn two points for the hole. The other four players earn one point each if they win. Six-man Wolf is a great way to play Wolf with more friends and adds strategy and excitement to the game.