How to Play Scramble Golf: Tips for Beginners

How to play scramble golf

Are you tired of playing the same old golf games with your buddies? 

Look no further than Scramble Golf – the ultimate test of teamwork and strategy on the greens.

 For centuries, millions of people have been enjoying playing golf as a sport. Physical and mental activity are both required for playing golf; however, it is also a challenging and rewarding experience for those who play golf. One popular golf format is the golf scramble, which both amateur and professional golfers enjoy.

Scramble Golf is a format where teams of two or more players work together to achieve the lowest possible score on each hole. A golf scramble is a type of tournament where teams of golfers compete against each other.

 In this sort of game, each group member gets a chance to hit the golf, and later, the best among them is selected for the next shot. This process continues until the ball is holed out. 

It implies that each team member contributes to the team’s success. People of various levels of skills are required in the game; thus, scramble golf is an all-inclusive game. 

If you want a game filled with joy and do it quickly, then Scramble golf is the best form of golf to choose from. With its focus on teamwork and strategy, this format can help players of all levels develop their skills while enjoying the company of friends.


What is scramble golf?

 Essentially, it’s a team game where all members hit their ball from the tee. The team then chooses the best shot and plays the next shot from there. This process is repeated until the ball is holed out. It’s a great way to enjoy the game with friends and allows golfers of different skill levels to play together.

A golf scramble is a type of golf tournament format where teams of golfers compete against each other. In a scramble, all team members hit a tee shot, and then the team chooses the best shot to play from for the next shot. 

The winner is the team with the lowest score at the end of the round. Scrambles are often used in charity tournaments or as a fun way to play golf with friends.


How to play scramble golf? 

The first step to starting the game is to choose the team. You can play with a group of friends or join a scramble event at a golf course. Once you have your team, you’ll need to decide on the order of play. The order can be determined randomly or based on skill level.


When it comes to playing the game, each team member hits their own ball from the tee. The team selects the best shot, and all members play their next shot from that spot. This process is repeated until the ball is holed out.


 A few rules must be kept in mind while playing scramble golf like each team member must hit the tee shot at least once in each round. 

Now, let’s talk about how to win at scramble golf.


 An essential factor to remember for winning is to work as a team. Communication is crucial, so discuss strategy and shots with your teammates. In the game, each member has to know the strength of everyone and support one for a successful game. For example, if one team member is a great putter, use their skills on the green.


There are also some essential tips to remember when playing scramble golf. 

First and foremost, have fun! This type of golf is a relaxed and enjoyable way to play golf; it’s not very important to take the game too seriously. It’s also important to stay focused and positive. If you hit a bad shot, don’t dwell on it. Instead, focus on the next shot and how you can help your team.


Another tip is to use each other’s shots strategically. For example, if one team member hits an incredible drive, use that shot to your advantage by positioning the other shots accordingly. 


Scramble golf is a popular format of golf in which all team members hit a shot from the tee and then choose the best shot to continue from that spot. This process is repeated for each shot until the ball is holed out. 


On one side, there are clear advantages to playing this form of golf, and also disadvantages are present in this. Thus, the golfer should know them both before deciding whether to play scramble golf!


Scramble golf rules:

A golf scramble is a famous play format in which a team of golfers works together to achieve the lowest score possible. Here are the basic rules of a golf scramble:

Team: A scramble is played in teams of two, three, or four golfers.

Shot Selection: Each team member tees off on each hole. The team selects the best tee shot, and all team members play their second shots. The process continues until the ball is holed.

Order of Play: The order of play on each shot is not fixed, and the team may choose who hits the next shot based on the previous shot’s results.

Handicaps: Handicaps are often used to level the playing field in a scramble. The total team handicap is calculated based on the individual handicaps of each team member.

Scoring: The team’s score for each hole is the number of shots it takes to complete the hole, with the best score being the one that counts. The team with the lowest total score at the end of the round is the winner.

The main difference between a scramble and other formats of play, such as stroke play or match play, is that in a scramble, all team members contribute to the team’s score on each hole. This makes the game more social and encourages teamwork.

 Each golfer plays their ball in stroke play, and the total number of strokes for each player is added up to determine the winner. In match play, each hole is a separate competition between the two teams, and the team with the lowest score on each hole earns a point. The team with the most points at the end of the round wins the game.


Planning for a Golf Scramble

A golf scramble is a fun and popular format for golf tournaments, where teams of golfers compete against each other. Here are the steps to plan a golf scramble:

Step 1: Determine the Purpose and Budget

The first step is to determine the purpose of the golf scramble. Is it a fundraiser or a corporate event? Once you have identified the purpose, set a budget and select the number of players, the format, the prizes, and the venue.

Step 2: Choose the Format

There are several different formats for golf scrambles, including the traditional, modified, and shamble. Consider the number of players and the skill levels of your participants when selecting a format. The classic scramble is the most popular format, allowing players of all skill levels to participate.

Step 3: Set Up Teams

Here it’s time to determine the number of teams and players in every section. A typical scramble team consists of four players, but you can have as many as six players per team. You can set up groups based on skill levels or randomly assign players to teams.

Step 4: Organise the Event

Determine the schedule for the event day, including the start time, check-in process, and post-event activities. Ensure you have enough volunteers to help with registration, scoring, and other tasks. You will also need to arrange food and beverages, prizes, and other special activities.

Step 5: Promote the Event

Promote the golf scramble through social media, flyers, email, and word-of-mouth. Encourage players to sign up early to ensure you have enough teams to make the event successful.


How to win a golf scramble:

Winning a golf scramble requires teamwork, communication, and a solid strategy. A few tips to help the team come to the top are, 

Choose the Right Teammates: One has to choose a teammate so that people of all levels of skills are included in a team so that each team member can contribute to the group as a whole. When assembling your team, consider the players’ skill levels, personalities, and golfing styles.

Play to Your Strengths: Team members should play according to their strengths. If one player is a great putter, have them focus on the greens. If another is a long hitter, have them tee off on the long holes.

Develop a Game Plan:

  1. Before you tee off, develop a game plan with your team.
  2. Identify the strengths of each player and assign roles for each hole.
  3. Decide on the order you will tee off and strategies for each hole.

Be Aggressive: Scramble tournaments are all about making birdies and eagles. Take risks when you can, and try to make aggressive shots. Remember, pars are going to fail to win you the tournament.

Stay Positive: Golf scrambles are supposed to be fun, so keep a positive attitude throughout the round. Along with encouraging your teammates, one should also focus on the task there for them.  

Manage Pressure: Scramble tournaments can be stressful, especially when the competition is tight. Manage your nerves by taking deep breaths, focusing on your shot routine, and visualising successful shots.

Use Mulligans Wisely: Mulligans can be a game-changer in scramble tournaments. Use them wisely by identifying key shots that could make a difference in your score.

Pay Attention to Scoring: In a scramble, keeping track of your score relative to the competition is essential. Ensure you know where you stand throughout the round and adjust your strategy accordingly.

A winning golf scramble team requires strong communication, strategy, and execution. After following all these tips, there are great chances of making the game a success. 


Advantages of Scramble Golf:

Teamwork: Scramble golf encourages collaboration and communication among players, as they must work together to determine the best shot to play. This can be a fun and social experience for golfers who enjoy playing with others.

Faster Play: Scramble golf can be shorter than traditional golf, as all players are hitting from the same spot, and only the best shot is played. It benefits those running off the busy course throughout their day, as this takes little time.

 Lower Scores: Scramble golf can lead to lower scores than traditional golf, as all players hit from the same spot and the best shot is played. This can be a confidence booster for golfers struggling with their game.

More Opportunities for Success: Scramble golf can be more forgiving than traditional golf, as the team can rely on the best shot to make up for any mistakes or poor shots. This can benefit golfers who want to enjoy the game without the pressure of individual performance.


Disadvantages of Scramble Golf:

Reduced Skill Development: Scramble golf can reduce individual skill development opportunities, as players may rely on the best shot rather than improving their own game. This can be a drawback for golfers looking to improve their performance.

Lack of Challenge: Scramble golf can be less challenging than traditional golf, as the team can rely on the best shot to make up for any mistakes or poor shots. For golfers looking for challenges or even want to test their skills against their skills, this kind of golf cannot be encouraging for them.


Limited Shot Selection: Scramble golf can limit the variety of shots played, as players may choose the best shot regardless of the type required. This can be a drawback for golfers who enjoy the strategic aspect of golf and want to test their shot-making abilities.

Unequal Contributions: Scramble golf can lead to unequal contributions from team members, as some players may consistently hit better shots than others. This can be a drawback for golfers who want to feel like they are contributing equally to the team.


Different golf scramble rules in other areas:

While scramble golf is a fun and relaxed game, different regions have variations of the rules that make the game unique. Look at some of the most famous scramble golf rules in other areas.

Texas Scramble Golf: This version of scramble golf is played with teams of four. Each team member tees off, and the best shot is selected.

From there, each team member plays their next shot from that spot. This process is repeated until the ball is holed out. However, in Texas Scramble, each team member’s shot must be used at least twice during the round.

Florida Scramble: Similar to Texas Scramble, Florida Scramble is played with teams of four. Each team member tees off, and the best shot is selected.

From there, the player who hits the shot chosen is excluded from the next shot, and the other team members play from that spot. This process is repeated until the ball is holed out.

Las Vegas Scramble: This version of scramble golf is played with teams of two. Each player tees off, and the best shot is selected. From there, each player plays their next shot from that spot.

However, in Las Vegas Scramble, a player can “buy” an advantage by paying for a better lie or attempt. The group determines the cost of the benefit, which can be paid in cash or chips.

Ambrose: This version of scramble golf is popular in Australia and New Zealand. Ambrose is played with teams of two to four players.

Each player tees off, and the best shot is selected. From there, each player plays their next shot from that spot. However, in Ambrose, the player who hit the shot chosen sits out the following image, and the other team members play from that spot.

Scramble UK: This version of scramble golf is similar to Texas Scramble. Scramble UK is played with four teams, and each team member tees off. The best shot is selected, and each team member plays their next image from that spot. However, in Scramble UK, each team member’s shot must be used at least three times during the round.

While scramble golf is a fun and relaxed way to play the game, each region has its own variation of rules. Whether you’re playing Texas Scramble, Florida Scramble, Las Vegas Scramble, Ambrose, or Scramble UK, the key is to have fun and enjoy the game with friends. So grab your clubs and try these different versions of scramble golf!


Scramble golf tournaments

Scramble golf tournaments are famous in golf, where players play in teams of two, three, or four. Each team member hits a tee shot, and the group selects the best shot and plays the next one from that spot. This process continues until the ball is holed out.

In a typical scramble tournament, teams are often made up of players of different skill levels to encourage teamwork and socialising. The format also 

allows players of various abilities to play together and have a chance to contribute to the team’s success.

Scramble tournaments can be played in various formats, such as a best-ball scramble, where the team records the best score of the group on each hole, or a modified scramble, where the team may have to use a certain number of drives from each player.

These tournaments are often used for charity events, corporate outings, or as a fun and relaxed way to enjoy golf with friends.

It allows players of all skill levels to be on the ground and involve themselves in the game. Along with it, this game also motivates team members to do better every time.

Also, learn more about “How Long Does it Take To Golf 18 Holes?”



Scramble golf is an enjoyable and popular format of golf that golfers of all skill levels play. Scramble golf is one such game where the team’s strategy, teamwork, and communication are emphasised. 

One of the primary benefits of playing scramble golf is that it allows golfers of different abilities to play together. This makes it an ideal format for family outings, corporate events, and charity tournaments.


Q. What is scramble golf, and how is it different from traditional golf?

A. Scramble golf is a format of golf where teams of two or more players play together and use the group’s best shot for each stroke. After each shot, all players move their balls to the spot where the best shot landed and hit their next shot.
This process continues until the ball is holed. Scramble golf differs from traditional golf as it emphasises teamwork and allows players of different skill levels to play together.

Q. What is the minimum and maximum number of players required to play scramble golf?

A. The minimum number of players required to play scramble golf is two, with no maximum limit. Typically, teams of two to four players are most common

Q. How does the team decide which player’s shot to use in scramble golf?

A. The team decides which player’s shot to use by discussing and selecting the best shot for the team’s overall strategy. The shot may be chosen based on factors such as distance, accuracy, and the ball’s position.

Q. Can the same player’s shot be used twice in scramble golf?

A. No, the same player’s shot cannot be used twice in a row in scramble golf. Each player must have at least one of their shots used before any player’s shot can be used again.

Q. Are there any tips for playing scramble golf as a beginner?

A. Some tips for playing scramble golf as a beginner include selecting a more experienced player as your partner, focusing on making consistent shots rather than long shots and communicating effectively with your partner to decide which shot to use.
It is also essential to have fun and enjoy the experience of playing with a team.