How to Play Golf | A Beginner’s Guide to Play Golf Like a Pro

group of friends enjoying golf and providing tips about how to play golf

Are you intrigued by the world of golf but feel frightened or nervous about taking that first step onto the course? Do you envy the experienced golfers and their impressive swings but feel like you could only achieve a different skill level?

As a beginner, learning golf can be overwhelming and confusing. You are considering where to begin, what gear to buy, how to get a better swing, and how to understand the rules of the game.

In this blog, I will cover everything about golf and how to play golf for beginners. I will break down the fundamentals of the game, from grip to swing to etiquette, and provide you with practical tips and tricks to improve your game.

I understand that starting anything new can be challenging. Still, I’m here to show you that golf is a sport for everyone, regardless of age, gender, or skill level. By the end of this blog, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to get into the course and enjoy the game of golf.

many kinds of golf clubs

Step 1: What you need to know about golf clubs

Stay calm if you know about the various golf clubs available. I will guide you through the different types of clubs and help you choose the right ones for your skill level, body type, and playing style.

Here are the four main types of golf clubs:

1. Woods

Woods are used for long shots, such as tee shots or shots from the fairway. They are called “woods” because they used to be made of wood, but nowadays, they are usually made of metal. The most common woods are the driver (which has the lowest loft and is used for tee shots) and the fairway woods (which have higher lofts and are used for shots from the fairway).

2. Irons

Irons are used for shots from the fairway, as well as shots around the green. These are numbered from 1 to 9, with the lower numbers (1-4) having lower lofts and being used for long shots and the higher numbers (5-9) having higher lofts and being used for shorter shots.

3. Wedges

Wedges are an iron type with even higher lofts than the other irons. They are used for shots around the green, as well as shots from bunkers. There are three types of wedges: pitching wedge (PW), sand wedge (SW), and lob wedge (LW).

4. Putters

Putters are used for shots on the green. They have flat faces designed to roll the ball smoothly along the ground.

A golfer hitting a golf ball

As you have learned about different types of clubs, how do you choose the right ones for you? 

Here are some tips:

1. Consider your skill level

If you’re a beginner, you with a set of clubs that includes a driver, a fairway wood, some irons, and a putter. As you improve, you can add more clubs to your collection.

2. Consider your body type

You might need longer clubs if you’re tall. If you’re short, you might need shorter clubs. Getting clubs that are the right length for your body is important.

3. Consider your playing style

If you tet the ball high, you might want clubs with higher lofts. You might want clubs with lower lofts if you hit the ball low. It’s important to get clubs that suit your playing style.

4. Try before you buy

Before you buy a set of clubs, try them out at a golf store or driving range. This will give you a clear idea of how it feels and how well you can hit them

golf ball

Golf Balls

Now, let’s talk about golf balls. Using the right golf ball for your game is important, as it can affect your overall performance.

There are two main types of golf balls:

Two-piece balls are made of a solid rubber core and a hardcover. They are more durable and less expensive than multi-layer balls but don’t offer as much spin or control.

Multi-layer balls have a soft outer layer and multiple layers underneath. They offer more spin and control but are more expensive and less durable than two-piece balls.

  • As a beginner, start with a two-piece ball until you improve your swing and gain more control over the ball. Best golf balls for seniors 

some golfers with golf club enjoying

Step 2: How to play golf 

Now that you have your clubs and golf balls, it’s time to start learning to play golf! Here are some fundamental aspects to keep in mind as a beginner.

  1. Grip

    The grip is the way you hold the club. There are different grips, but the most common is the overlapping grip. To do this, place your left hand on the club with your thumb pointing straight down, then place your right hand on top of your left hand with your right thumb pointing straight down. Keep a light grip, as gripping too tightly can affect your swing.

  2. Stance

    Your stance is how you position your feet and body before you swing. Start by placing your feet shoulder-width apart and pointing your toes straight ahead. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your feet. Stand with your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.

  3. Posture

    Your posture is how you hold your body during your swing. Start by bending slightly at the hips, with your back straight and your knees flexed. Your arms should be straight but relaxed, with your hands hanging naturally below your shoulders.

  4. Basic swing technique

    The golf swing is a complex motion, but there are some basic steps to follow. Start by slowing backswing, with your clubhead moving low and slow. Then, swing down and through the ball, with your clubhead accelerating as it strikes it. Finally, follow through with your swing, with your clubhead finishing high and to your left (if you’re right-handed).

If you are already a proficient golfer. Then discover how to get better at golf in a very simple step-by-step method.

Girls playing golf

Here are some tips for practising your swing:

  1. Start with short shots

    Begin by hitting short shots with your irons, focusing on making solid contact with the ball. Gradually work your way up to longer shots.

  2. Use a mirror

    Use a mirror to check your grip, stance, and posture. Make sure you’re maintaining good form throughout your swing.

  3. Practice with a purpose

    Set specific goals for your practice sessions, such as hitting a certain number of shots in a row with good form. Keep track of your progress and celebrate your successes.

  4. Be patient and persevere

    Golf is a difficult sport to learn, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see progress right away. Keep practising and focus on improving one aspect of your swing at a time.

Developing a consistent swing is essential for improving your golf game. You can also practice golf at home if you’d like. Many people practice golf at home because they enjoy the sport but don’t have enough time to practice at a golf course.

practicing golf with my friend

Here are some tips for achieving consistency:

  1. Practice regularly

    Consistency comes from repetition, so practice your swing regularly.

  2. Focus on your form

    Ensure you maintain good form throughout your swing. This will help you develop muscle memory and make your swing more consistent.

  3. Slow down

    Take a slow, deliberate swing to help you focus on your form and ensure you’re hitting the ball cleanly.

  4. Use video analysis

    Record yourself swinging and watch it back to identify areas where you can improve your form.

Remember, learning how to play golf takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the process. With consistent practice and perseverance, you’ll hit the links like a pro in no time!

golf shot from sand bunker

Step 3: Basic Shots You Should Know 

As a beginner, it’s important to understand the different types of shots in golf. Here are some basic shots you should know:

  1. Tee shots

    Tee shots are the shots you take from the tee box at the beginning of each hole. To hit a good tee shot, select a tee height that allows you to hit the ball with the centre of the clubface. Ensure you have a good grip and stance, and swing smoothly through the ball. Use your driver for tee shots designed for maximum distance.

  2. Fairway shots

    Fairway shots are taken after your tee shot, usually from the short grass of the fairway. To hit a good fairway shot, select a club with enough loft to get the ball in the air but not so much that it flies too high. Take a practice swing to determine the distance and direction of the shot, then swing through the ball with a smooth motion.

  3. Chip shots

    Chip shots are taken from close to the green and are designed to get the ball close to the hole. To hit a good chip shot, select a club with many lofts, such as a wedge. Take a narrow stance with your weight on your front foot, and use a short, controlled swing to get the ball in the air and rolling towards the hole.

  4. Putting

    Pitting is the most important part of the game, as it accounts for a large portion of your total score. To putt well, start by reading the green to determine the slope and speed of the putt. Take a comfortable stance with your feet shoulder-width apart, and use a smooth, controlled motion to strike the ball. Use a putter with a balance that feels comfortable to you.

Tips and tricks for improving your accuracy and distance control in each type of shot:

  1. Tee shots

    Use a tee that is the right height for your driver. Practice your swing to ensure good contact with the ball, and try to hit the ball in the centre of the clubface for maximum distance. Pay attention to the wind and slope of the fairway to help you determine the direction of your shot.

  2. Fairway shots

    Select a club that matches the distance you need to hit the ball. Practice your swing to ensure good contact with the ball, and focus on hitting down on the ball to get it in the air. Pay attention to the slope of the fairway to help you determine the direction of your shot.

  3. Chip shots

    Use a wedge with many lofts, and practice your swing to get a feel for the distance and direction of the shot. Focus on hitting down on the ball to get it in the air, and use your body to control the speed and distance of the shot.

  4. Putting

    Practice your putting to get a feel for the speed and direction of the ball. Use your body to control the speed and distance of the putt, and focus on hitting the ball in the centre of the putter’s face. Pay attention to the slope of the green to help you determine the direction of the putt.

By practising each shot and focusing on accuracy and distance control, you can become a better golfer and enjoy the game even more. Remember to have fun and be patient with yourself as you learn golf!

golf course in a island

Step 4: When you’re ready for the golf course 

Now you’re ready to take your game to the golf course! Here are some things to keep in mind as you make the transition:

  1. Course layout

    Take some time to study the course layout before you begin playing. Look for hazards such as water, sand traps, and trees, and try to plan your shots accordingly. Familiarize yourself with the yardage of each hole, and consider using a golf GPS or rangefinder to help you determine the distance of your shots.

  2. Tee box selection

    Choose a tee box that matches your skill level. As a beginner, it’s best to start with the forward tees that are closer to the hole and require less distance. You can move back to the middle or back tees as you improve.

  3. Basic rules of golf

    Make sure you understand the basic rules of golf before you begin playing. This includes things like penalty strokes, out-of-bounds, and playing from hazards. It’s also important to know how to mark your ball on the green and when to give way to other players on the course.

  4. Managing the course

    Pay attention to the pace of play and try to keep up with the group in front of you. If you’re holding up other players, consider letting them play through. Be aware of your surroundings and respect other players on the course.

  5. Etiquette

    Golf has a long tradition of etiquette, so it’s important to be familiar with the basic rules. This includes replacing divots, repairing ball marks on the green, and being quiet while other players are making their shots. Also, make sure you know the dress code of the course you’re playing on.

  6. Handling challenging situations

    Golf is a game of challenges, so it’s important to have a strategy for handling difficult situations. If you find yourself in a bunker or hazard, take your time and try to get the ball back in play. If you’re facing a challenging shot, consider laying up and playing a safer shot.

  7. Strategies for playing different types of holes

    Each hole on the course is unique, so it’s important to have a strategy for playing each one. For example, on a par 5, you might choose to hit a long drive and then lay up with your second shot, while on a short par 4, you might choose to go for the green in one shot.

Step 5: Etiquette 

Golf is a sport with a long tradition of etiquette. As a beginner, it’s important to understand and respect these traditions. Golf etiquette is not just about being polite but also about taking care of the course and respecting other players. Here are some tips to help you navigate the etiquette of golf:

two friends are riding in a golf cart

  1. Respect other players

    Golf is a game of respect, and showing respect to other players on the course is important. This includes being quiet while other players are making their shots, not talking during swings, and not standing too close to other players when they’re making their shots.

  2. Take care of the course

    Golf courses are expensive to maintain, and taking care of them is important. This means repairing divots and ball marks, raking bunkers, and not driving golf carts on the green. Ensure to follow the course rules and regulations, and be mindful of any signs or markers on the course.

  3. Adhere to basic golf etiquette rules

    There are some basic rules of golf etiquette that every beginner should know. For example, the player with the lowest score on the previous hole tees off first on the next hole, and the farthest from the hole plays first on each shot. It’s also important to be aware of the pace of play and not hold up other players on the course.

  4. Maintain a good pace of play

    Golf is meant to be a leisurely game, but it’s also important to maintain a good pace of play. This means playing efficiently and not taking too much time on each shot. If you’re playing in a group, keep up with the group in front of you; if you’re playing alone, try to maintain a reasonable pace.

  5. Respect the traditions and values of golf

    Golf has a long tradition of values such as integrity, honesty, and sportsmanship. As a beginner, it’s important to understand and respect these values. Make sure to follow the game’s rules and be honest with yourself and other players. Respect the traditions of the sport and remember that golf is more than just a game; it’s a way of life.

Golf etiquette is essential to the sport and should be respected by all players, especially beginners. By respecting other players, taking care of the course, adhering to basic golf etiquette rules, maintaining a good pace of play, and respecting the traditions and values of golf, you can enjoy a successful and enjoyable round of golf. Remember, golf etiquette is not just about being polite but also about being a good steward of the game.

Step 6:Golf Rules

important golf rules

Golf is a sport built on integrity and honesty, and the rules are an essential part of that foundation. While they may seem complex and overwhelming initially, learning golf’s basic rules is crucial for any beginner golfer who wants to play the game correctly and with integrity.

Out-of-bounds and hazards are two important concepts that beginners need to understand. Out of bounds refers to areas outside the defined course boundaries. Hitting a ball out of bounds typically results in a one-stroke penalty.

It requires the player to hit another ball from the previous position. On the other hand, hazards include bunkers and water hazards, and hitting a ball into a hazard typically results in a one-stroke penalty. It requires the player to hit another ball from the previous position.

In addition to out-of-bounds and hazards, there are several other rules that beginners should be aware of, such as penalties for hitting the wrong ball, unplayable lies, and lost balls.

It’s also important to understand how scoring works in golf, with each hole assigned a certain par and the objective being to complete the hole in as few strokes as possible.

golf hole ball-green-grassTo follow the rules of golf, beginners need to understand the markings on the golf course, such as white stakes for out-of-bounds and red or yellow stakes for hazards. It’s also essential to know the difference between lateral and regular hazards and how to take proper relief when a ball is hit by a hazard.

While following the rules of golf may seem daunting at first, it’s crucial for maintaining the integrity of the game and ensuring fair play. Golf is a sport that is built on honesty and self-regulation, and following the rules is essential for maintaining that foundation.

In addition to understanding the rules, it’s also essential for beginners to play with integrity and respect for the game. This means counting all strokes, even if they result in a high score, and avoiding cheating or taking shortcuts to improve their score.

It’s also important to be aware of the rules of golf etiquette, such as replacing divots, repairing ball marks, and maintaining a good pace of play.

In conclusion, learning the basic rules of golf is crucial for beginners who want to play the game correctly and with integrity.

Understanding out-of-bounds, hazards, penalties, and scoring is essential for following the rules, and respecting the traditions and values of golf as a sport is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the game.

By playing with honesty, integrity, and respect for the game, beginner golfers can enjoy the sport to the fullest and become skilled players.

Step 7: Getting in Golf Shape

Golf is often seen as a leisurely sport that doesn’t require much physical exertion. However, golfers serious about improving their game know that being physically fit is essential for success on the course.

Even beginners who are just learning the game can benefit from developing their physical fitness for golf.

There are three key areas of physical fitness that are particularly important for golf: flexibility, strength, and endurance. Let’s look at each of these areas and how they can impact a golfer’s performance.

  • Flexibility

Flexibility is crucial for golfers because it allows for a full range of motion in the swing. Golfers may need adequate flexibility to make a full backswing, resulting in a shorter, less powerful swing. Beginner golfers can benefit from incorporating stretches into their warm-up routine to improve flexibility. These stretches should focus on the hips, shoulders, and back, all areas heavily involved in the golf swing.

  • Strength

Strength is also essential for golfers because it allows for a more powerful swing and ball speed. However, strength training for golf is different from traditional weightlifting. Instead of building bulky muscles, golfers should focus on building functional strength specific to the golf swing. Exercises that target the core, hips, and shoulders are particularly effective for golfers. Some examples include planks, hip bridges, and medicine ball twists.

  • Endurance

Endurance is important for golfers because playing 18 holes can be physically demanding artificially if you’re walking the course instead of riding in a cart. Improving your endurance can help you maintain your energy levels throughout the round, leading to better focus and consistency on the course. One of the best ways to improve endurance for golf is through cardiovascular exercises, such as running, cycling, or swimming.

In addition to improving physical fitness, there are other steps that beginner golfers can take to ensure they’re in good golf shape. One of the most important is to maintain good posture of the course. Poor posture can cause a variety of problems, including back pain and decreased flexibility. Golfers should also be hydrated on the course, especially during hot weather, to prevent fatigue and cramping.

Finally, it’s important to remember that developing physical fitness for golf is a long-term process that requires patience and dedication.

It’s something that takes time to be achieved. Still, with consistent effort, beginner golfers can see significant improvements in their game.

By incorporating stretches, strength training, and cardiovascular exercise into their routine, beginner golfers can set themselves up for success on the course.

Step 8: Golfers Outfit 

men golfers outfit

When it comes to dressing for golf, there are some general guidelines that beginners should follow. Golf is a sport that emphasizes tradition, and the dress code reflects this. However, there is also room for personal style and comfort.

First and foremost, check the dress code of the golf course or club you’ll be playing at. Some places have strict dress codes, while others are more relaxed.

Typically, collared shirts are required for men, and women may opt for a collared shirt or a blouse. Avoid t-shirts, tank tops, and sleeveless shirts. Many golf courses also require shorts or pants to be tailored, and denim is usually not allowed.

For bottoms, men should wear shorts or pants that are made for golf. These typically have pockets and are made of breathable, moisture-wicking materials. Women may wear shorts, skirts, or pants that are of similar materials.women golfers outfit

Avoid wearing athletic shorts or pants that have large logos or graphics. If the weather is chilly, consider wearing a lightweight sweater or jacket that allows for ease of movement.

Golf shoes are an essential part of a golfer’s wardrobe. Golf shoes have spikes on the bottom, providing stability during the golf swing. They often come in a variety of sizes and are made of leather or synthetic materials.

When choosing golf shoes, look for a pair that fits well and provides good support. Choosing a waterproof pair is also a good idea, as golf courses can be wet and muddy.

Accessories can also play a role in golf attire. A hat or visor is a great way to protect your face from the sun and stay cool. Sunglasses can also help protect your eyes from the sun’s rays. When choosing accessories, it’s important to consider functionality and comfort.

Lastly, make sure your clothing is comfortable and allows for ease of movement. Golf requires a lot of walking and swinging, so clothing should be lightweight, breathable, and stretchy. Avoid wearing anything too tight or restrictive, as it affects your swing mechanics and overall performance.

Step 9: Golf Outings 

golf course with palm tree

As a beginner golfer, participating in golf outings can be a great way to have fun, meet new people, and support a good cause. Golf outings can take many forms, from charity tournaments to corporate events to casual social gatherings. Regardless of the format, there are some things you can do to prepare and enjoy the experience as a beginner.

First, it’s important to register for the outing early and follow any instructions provided by the organizers. Make Ensureknow the date, time, and lion of the outing, as we as specific rules or requirements.

It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the course layout and the event format. Hence, you know what to expect on the day of the outing.

When it comes to the actual outing, there are a few things to remember to ensure you have a good time and don’t hold up play. Be on time and arrive at least 30 minutes before your tee time to warm up and check-in.

Dress appropriately for the event and follow any dress code requirements. Wear comfortable shoes you’ve worn before that won’t hurt your feet during the round.

During the outing, it’s important to be courteous to your fellow players and respect the pace of play. Be mindful of other players’ shots and don’t talk or move during their swings.

Keep up with the group before you, and don’t take too long to hit your shots. If you lose a ball or hit it out of bounds, take a penalty stroke and move on to keep up with the pace of play.

When Regarding working and socializing, golf outings can be a great opportunity to meet new people and build relationships. Be friendly and introduce yourself to other players in your group.

Ask questions, listen to their stories, and share your experiences as a beginner golfer. Be bold and ask for tips or advice on your game, but also respect other players’ time and focus on the game.


I hope the blog has provided a comprehensive guide for beginners who want to learn how to play golf. From understanding the basics of golf clubs and shots to learning the rules, etiquette, and physical fitness required, this guide covers all the essential aspects of golf.

Remember, learning golf requires patience, perseverance, and practice, and it is a journey that should be enjoyed every step. So, take action, start your golfing journey passionately, and enjoy the game with confidence and dedication. Happy golfing!