How to play a round of golf?

how to play a round of golf

Ready to learn how to play a complete round of golf? Whether you’re new to the sport or an experienced golfer, mastering a round takes skill, strategy and knowing the fundamentals. But with practice and tips from the pros, you’ll soon be teeing off and hitting the course with confidence.

We’ll guide you through everything required for a round – rules, etiquette, equipment, and techniques from grip to swing to putts. You’ll gain the skills to play each hole from tee to green and keep score like a pro. By the end, you’ll understand how to play a full 18-hole round and overcome common challenges faced on the course.

So grab your clubs and let’s get started with the basics! In this article, we’ll cover what you need to know to play your first competitive round, from start to finish.

The Fundamentals of a Round of Golf

Alright, let’s talk about the basic rules of golf! As a beginner, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the game’s fundamentals. Here are the key rules you need to know to play golf:

How to Play a Round of Golf:

  • A round of golf typically consists of 18 holes. Each hole has a tee box where players start and a green where the hole is located.
  • Players take turns hitting the ball from the tee box towards the green.
  • The winner is the player who can get the ball in the hole using the fewest strokes.
  • Each hole has a par score, the number of strokes an expert golfer should take to complete the hole.

Scoring in a Round of Golf:

  • The score is kept by counting the number of strokes to complete each hole.
  • The winner is the player with the lowest total score at the end of the round.
  • A sudden-death playoff determines the winner if two or more players have the same score.


  • Golf clubs are used to hit the ball. A standard set of golf clubs consists of 14, including woods, irons, and a putter.
  • Golf balls are typically made of rubber and have dimples to improve aerodynamics.
  • Golf gloves are worn to improve grip and prevent blisters.
  • Golf shoes have spikes on the bottom to provide traction on the grass.

Etiquette for Playing a Round of Golf

How to play a round of golf?

Proper golfing behavior on the course is essential for maintaining the integrity of the game and ensuring a positive experience for all players. Here are some key points to keep in mind when it comes to golf etiquette:

  • Be punctual: Arrive at the course early to give yourself time to warm up and check-in.
  • Dress appropriately: Follow the dress code of the course, typically collared shirts and golf pants or shorts. Avoid wearing denim or athletic wear.
  • Respect the course: Repair divots, rake bunkers, and avoid damaging the greens. Always follow cart path rules and signs.
  • Keep quiet: Don’t talk or make noise while others are hitting. Please turn off your cell phone or put it on silent mode.
  • Be mindful of the pace of play: Play reasonably and keep up with the group in front of you. If you’re holding up the group behind you, let them play through.
  • Safety first: Never swing your club when someone is standing too close. Yell “fore” if your ball is headed toward someone.
  • Follow the rules: Know the rules of the game and follow them accordingly. Don’t cheat or take mulligans (a do-over shot) unless the group agrees.
  • Be polite: Greet your fellow players, thank them after each hole, and offer to help look for lost balls.

Essential Techniques for Playing a Round of Golf

Golf can seem daunting at first, but anyone can improve their game with the right technique and practice. Here’s a step-by-step guide on the essential golf techniques that beginners need to learn:

  • Grip: The first step in mastering golf technique is to learn the proper grip. Hold the club with your dominant hand on top and your non-dominant hand below it. Make sure your hands are connected but not too tight. Your grip should feel natural and comfortable.
  • Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing towards the target. Keep your knees slightly bent and your weight evenly distributed.
  • Alignment: Proper alignment is crucial in golf. Align your feet, hips, and shoulders toward your target. Your clubface should be square to the target as well.
  • Swing: The golf swing can be broken down into four parts: the takeaway, backswing, downswing, and follow-through. Start by taking the club back slowly and smoothly, keeping your wrists firm. As you swing back, turn your shoulders and hips away from the target. On the downswing, shift your weight onto your front foot and rotate your hips and shoulders toward the target. As you swing through the ball, release your wrists and follow through toward your target.
  • Chipping: Chipping is important for getting the ball onto the green. Use a pitching or sand wedge to position the ball towards your back foot. Take a short backswing and follow through toward the target. Keep your wrists firm and use your body to rotate through the shot.
  • Putting: Putting is all about touch and feel. Start by getting comfortable and aligning your body toward the target. Keep your head still and focus on hitting the ball squarely with the center of your putter. Use a pendulum motion and let the putter do the work.

Preparing for Your First Round of Golf

How to play a round of golf?

  • Choose the right course: Consider choosing a beginner-friendly course that is not too challenging. Look for courses that offer practice facilities, such as a driving range or putting green, to help you warm up before your round.
  • Dress appropriately: Golf has a dress code, so check with the course beforehand to see what is acceptable. Collared shirts, khaki pants or shorts, and golf shoes with soft spikes are recommended. Avoid wearing denim or athletic shorts and shirts.
  • Bring the right equipment: You’ll need clubs, golf balls, tees, and a glove. If you don’t have clubs, you can usually rent them at the course. Bring a water bottle and sunscreen, especially if you’re playing in a hot climate.
  • Arrive early: Give yourself plenty of time to check in at the course, pay any fees, and warm up. Arriving early can also help you feel less rushed and more relaxed before your round.
  • Familiarize yourself with the course: Look at the course map or scorecard to get an idea of the layout and any hazards or obstacles. You can also ask the pro shop staff or starters for tips or advice.
  • Know the rules: Golf has a set of rules and etiquette that you’ll need to follow. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the basics, such as not walking on someone’s putting line or shouting during someone’s swing.
  • Focus on having fun: Remember that golf is a game, and it’s meant to be enjoyed. Don’t get too caught up in your score or make perfect shots. Focus on the experience and enjoy the scenery and company of your fellow golfers.


We’ve discussed the basic rules and equipment needed to play golf and some etiquette tips to follow on the course. We’ve also gone over some essential beginner golf techniques, such as grip, swing, and putting. And we’ve shared some tips on preparing for your first round of golf, from choosing the right course to dressing appropriately.

Now that you know all of this, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge into practice! Grab your clubs, head to the course, and have some fun. Remember, golf is a game that people of all skill levels can enjoy, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t play perfectly at first. With time and practice, you’ll improve and become a better player. 

So get out there, hit some balls, and enjoy the game!


Do I need to have my own set of golf clubs to play golf?

It’s not necessary, as many courses offer club rentals. However, if you plan on playing regularly, investing in your own set of clubs is recommended.

Can I wear jeans while playing golf?

It depends on the dress code of the course you’re playing on. Most courses require collared shirts and proper golf shoes, but some may allow denim.

Is it necessary to have a caddy while playing golf?

No, it’s unnecessary to have a caddy, but they can be helpful in navigating the course and providing advice on shot selection.

How long does a round of golf typically last?

A round of golf can vary in length, but it usually takes around 4-5 hours to complete 18 holes.

Can I bring my food and drinks to the course?

Again, it depends on the course’s policies. Some courses may allow outside food and drinks, while others may have restrictions.

What is par in golf?

Par is the predetermined number of strokes a skilled golfer should take to complete a hole or a round.

What is the best time of day to play golf?

The best time to play golf is usually early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the temperature is cooler, and the course is less crowded.

How do I keep score while playing golf?

The most common way to keep score in golf is to count the number of strokes to complete each hole and add them up at the end of the round.

Can I play golf alone, or must I have a partner?

You can play golf alone or with a partner. It’s up to personal preference.

Do I need to book a tee time in advance?

It’s recommended to book a tee time in advance, especially on popular courses, to ensure you have a spot to play.