6 Foursomes Golf Lessons from the Professionals

what is foursomes in golf

Everything You Need to Know About Foursomes Golf

Foursomes golf, also known as alternate shot golf, is a fascinating format that requires players to work together as a team, strategize, and uniquely showcase their skills.


Unlike other golf formats, two players are paired up in foursome golf. And they alternate hitting the same ball until it’s holed out. The form can be played in stroke or match play and is often used in prestigious events such as the Ryder Cup.


One of the most exciting things about foursome golf is that it challenges players to adapt to their partner’s strengths and weaknesses.  It also requires a different approach to strategy, as players must carefully consider their shots and anticipate how their partner will play the next shot.


In this article, we will see the strategies and rules of the foursome game and also look through the history and evolution of foursome golf.


We’ll also look at some of the notable foursome golf events, including the Ryder Cup, and examine the key factors that can determine success in this challenging format. So, whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting, join us as we delve into the world of foursome golf.


What are foursomes in golf?

Foursomes is a format of golf in which two players compete together as a team, using only one ball. In a foursome game, the players on each team hit the same ball, with one player hitting from the tee on odd-numbered holes. And the other hit from the tee on even-numbered holes.


After the tee shot, the players alternate, hitting the ball until it is holed out. The players on each team also rotate who plays the next shot after each hole. With one player playing the odd-numbered holes and the other playing the even-numbered holes.


Foursomes is also commonly called an alternate shot, as the players alternate, hitting the ball on each shot. This format requires strong teamwork and communication between partners, as they must strategize and make decisions together on every shot.


In competitive golf, the foursome format is often used in team events such as the Ryder and Presidents Cup. It can also be played in casual rounds or club competitions.


History and Importance of foursome golf

“Foursome golf” is not widely recognized in golfing circles, and you may be referring to “foursome golf.” If that is the case, then foursome golf is a type of golf where two teams of two players compete against each other.


Each group of two players takes turns hitting the same ball until the hole is completed.

Foursome golf is a traditional game format and has been played for many years. Particularly in team events such as the Ryder Cup and the Presidents Cup. It is a popular format because it adds an extra level of strategy to the game, as players must work together and coordinate their shots to achieve the best outcome.


In foursome golf, players must decide who will tee off first and then alternate shots until the hole is completed. The team with the lowest score on each hole wins that hole. If the teams tie on a hole, then the hole is halved.


Foursome golf is an essential game format because it allows players to develop their teamwork and strategy skills. It is also an exciting format to watch, particularly in team events where the pressure is high. And the stakes are even higher.


Overall, foursome golf is a fun and challenging way to play golf. And it has played an essential role in the game’s development over the years.

How to play Golf foursomes

Golf foursomes is a format of playing golf where two teams of two players compete against each other by taking alternate shots on each hole.

Here are the basic steps to play golf foursomes:

  1. Determine the teams: There are two teams of two players each. You can decide on the teams by drawing lots or mutual agreement.
  2. Decide the order of play: Each team decides the order of play for the entire round. Citing the example, it can be chosen like the first shot is on odd-numbered holes, and others are even-numbered holes. Tee off: The first player from the first team tees off on the first hole. The second player then hits the second shot, and the two continue to alternate shots until the ball is holed.
  3. Alternate shots: The team that won the previous hole gets to tee off on the next hole. The player who did not tee off on the last hole hits the second shot. The two players then alternate shots until the ball is holed.
  4. Scoring: The team with the lowest score on a hole wins that hole. If the scores are tied, the hole is halved.
  5. Penalty shots: In this, if any player hits the shot out of the bounds or even into a hazard. Then the other player of the same will have to hit the ball from there as a penalty shot. Finish the round: Continue playing this manner until all 18 holes are completed.
  6. Determine the winner: The team which wins the most holes at the end of the rounds will be the winner. If the game is a tie, then players continue to play until one team wins the most holes.

Golf foursomes can be a fun and challenging way to play with friends or family. Good luck, and have fun!

Foursome Golf and its Benefits

A foursome in golf refers to a group of four golfers playing together. There are several benefits to playing golf in a foursome, including:

  1. Socialisation: Golf is a great way to socialise and build relationships with others. Playing in a foursome allows you to spend several hours with like-minded individuals. Which can help form lasting friendships and create networking opportunities.
  2. Faster play: Playing in a foursome can help speed up the pace of play, as each golfer takes their turn while the others watch and prepare for their next shot. This can help prevent slow play and keep the game moving along smoothly.
  3. Shared expenses: When playing in a foursome, the cost of golf and any associated expenses (such as golf carts and caddies) can be split between the four players. Then makes it more affordable for everyone.
  4. Team competition: Golf can be a competitive sport, and playing in a foursome allows for team competition. You can play in teams of two, or use a best-ball format where each player’s best shot is used for the team score. This can add a fun and exciting element to the game.
  5. Skill development: Playing with others who have different skill levels can help you improve your own game. You can learn from more experienced players, and also help teach newer players.

Overall, playing golf in a foursome can provide many benefits, both on and off the course.

Foursomes rules in golf

In golf, a foursome is a game where two teams of two players compete against each other. This game is played with one ball per team. And then each team member takes a turn to hit the ball.

Here are the general rules for playing a foursome in golf:

Format: A foursome can be played in match play or stroke play format. In the match play, one team with the lowest score on the hole wins that match. And the team with the most holes at the end of the play wins the match. Here in stroke play, each team’s score is added at the end of the round. And then the lowest total score wins.

Tee shots: Each team member hits a tee shot, and the team must choose one of the tee shots to play from. The player whose tee shot was not chosen hits the second shot. And then the players alternate hitting shots until the ball is holed out.

Order of play: The order in which it has to be played will be decided by the team. The team can choose which player will hit first on each hole and alternate hitting shots until the ball is holed out.

Penalty strokes: If a player hits the ball out of bounds or into a hazard, the team incurs a penalty stroke. The player who hit the shot takes the penalty stroke, and the team plays the next shot from where the previous shot was played.

Etiquette: As with all golf games, players should follow proper etiquette. This includes keeping up with the pace of play, repairing divots and ball marks, and being quiet and respectful on the course.

These are the basic rules for playing a foursome in golf. One important thing to note is that rules may vary at places according to the locality; thus, it’s a good idea to check with the tournament organisers for any specific restrictions to apply.

Foursomes scoring process

Foursomes scoring is a play format commonly used in golf tournaments, especially in team events such as the Ryder Cup. In this format, two golfers are paired and alternate, hitting the same ball until the hole is completed.

For example, The first hole is hit by Golfer A, then Golfer B hits the second shot, and so on, the shot is carried forth. On the second hole, Golfer B hits the tee shot and alternates shots again until the hole is completed. The exact process continues for all 18 holes.

In foursome scoring, the pair with the lowest score on each hole wins that hole. The team with the most holes won at the match’s end wins. If the match is tied after 18 holes, extra holes may be played until a winner is determined.

Benefits and loss in foursome golf

Foursome golf is a game in which two players form a team and take alternate shots playing the same ball until the hole is completed. Here are some potential benefits and losses of playing foursome golf:


  1. Teamwork: Playing a team in foursome golf can help players develop teamwork and communication skills. Every player’s success is dependent on how their partner hits the shot. Thus, working together is essential to achieve their common goal of winning the game.
  2. Strategy: Foursome golf requires players to think strategically about the game. Keeping in mind the strength and weaknesses of each player, it’s essential to decide which player has to take the shot.
  3. Faster Pace: Foursome golf can be played faster than individual golf, as players take turns hitting the ball. This can help golfers save time and complete their rounds more efficiently.


  1. Pressure: Foursome golf can be a high-pressure game. Players feel the added responsibility of performing well themselves and not letting their partner down. It can sometimes lead to high tension and pressure as the game is dependent on the opponent player. Which can sometimes lead to a negative impact.
  2. Limited Shot Opportunities: In foursome golf, players only take alternate shots. To the player who wants to hit more shots, this game can be frustrating because there are a limited number of shots that each player gets in the game.
  3. Lack of Individual Control: In foursome golf, players depend on their partner’s shot. Players who prefer to have more control over their game can be frustrated, and one has to struggle to adapt to their partner’s style of play.

How to win a foursomes golf match 

To win a foursomes golf match, there are several strategies that players can employ:

  1. Communication: Effective communication between partners is crucial in foursome golf. Players should discuss and agree on their game plan, including which player should take each shot based on their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Strategy: Players should also plan their shots strategically, considering the course layout and any obstacles that may be in the way. They should aim to leave their partner with the best possible shot. And also avoid risky shots that could result in penalties.
  3. Consistency: Consistency is key in foursome golf. Players should aim to hit their shots consistently and avoid making mistakes that could cost them strokes.
  4. Mental Toughness: Foursomes golf can be a high-pressure game, and players must be mentally tough to handle the pressure. They should stay focused, remain calm under pressure, and avoid getting too emotional.
  5. Practice: Finally, practice is essential for success in foursome golf. Players should practise together to develop their communication, strategy, and teamwork skills. They should also work on their skills, such as putting and driving, to ensure they are playing at their best.

If you are also interested to learn more about golf then read about 

  1. Beginner’s guide about golf 
  2. Expert Tips on How to Finally Become a Scratch Golfer


In conclusion, foursome golf is a unique and challenging format. It requires teamwork, communication, and strategy. While there are potential benefits and losses to playing this format. Players can increase their chances of success by practising together, communicating effectively, and developing a solid game plan.

Foursomes golf can be a great way to build relationships and improve golf skills. Overall, if played well foursome golf can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for golfers of all levels.


Q. What is foursome golf?

A. Foursome golf is a format of golf where two teams of two players each compete against each other. Each team member hits a tee shot, and then they alternate hitting the ball until the ball is holed out.

Q. What are the rules of foursome golf?

A. In foursome golf, players take turns hitting shots until the ball is holed out. The team with the lowest number of strokes wins the hole. There are also rules regarding who tees off on each hole and which player must hit the second shot.

Q. How is golf played?

A. In a foursome golf game, two teams of two players each compete against each other. Each player hits a tee shot, and then the players take turns hitting the ball until the ball is holed out. The team with the lowest number of strokes on each hole wins that hole.

Q. What is the difference between foursome golf and traditional golf?

A. In traditional golf, each player plays their own ball and competes against the other players in the group. In foursome golf, players are in teams of two and take turns hitting the ball until it is holed out.

Q. What is the foursome golf format?

A. In the foursome golf format, two teams of two players each compete against each other. Each team member hits a tee shot, and then the players alternate hitting the ball until the ball is holed out. The team with the lowest number of strokes on each hole wins that hole, and the team with the most holes won at the end of the game wins the match.