Ambrose Golf – A Popular Golf Format

playing ambrose in golf

Ambrose Golf is a popular format played in team golf competitions. It is a fun and social way to enjoy. This format allows players of all skill levels to compete on a level playing field.

Also known as a Texas Scramble or Captain’s Choice, Ambrose Golf emphasises teamwork and strategy over individual performance.

In this article, we will explore the basics of how to play Ambrose golf, including the rules, strategies, and tips to help you and your team succeed on the course. Whether you are a seasoned golfer or a beginner, mastering the art of Ambrose golf can be a fun and rewarding experience. So let’s dive in and discover the secrets of this exciting format!


What is Ambrose golf

Ambrose golf is a team golf format played by a group of two or more players. The form is designed to make the game enjoyable and less stressful for players of all skill levels. In an Ambrose golf tournament, each team member takes their tee shot, and then the team selects the best shot.


The players then take their second shot from that location, which continues until the ball is in the hole. This format allows weaker players to contribute to the team’s score and helps balance the playing field.


In this format, teams typically consist of four players, but the format can also be adapted for teams of two or three players. This format is often used in charity golf events or corporate golf days, emphasising having fun and socialising rather than intense competition.

The Ambrose format can also be used for match play or stroke play tournaments, but in these cases, the rules may be adjusted to suit the format. Overall, Ambrose golf is a fun and inclusive way to enjoy the game of golf with friends, colleagues, or fellow golf enthusiasts.


How to Play Ambrose Golf

Ambrose Golf is a fun and social team game that golfers of all levels can enjoy. In this game format, teams of two or four players compete against each other by playing the best shot. This means that even if one player makes a bad shot. Their teammate(s) can help to get the team back on track.


To start the game, each team must determine the playing order. This can be done by drawing straws, teeing off, and alternating players for each shot. Once the playing order is established, the game can begin.


Players take turns hitting the ball off the tee during play. The team then selects the best shot to play from for the next shot. This process is repeated until the ball is in the hole. The team with the lowest overall score at the end of the game is declared the winner.


To play Ambrose Golf successfully, it’s important to strategize and communicate with your teammates. Consider each shot carefully and work together to choose the best option for the team. It is important to be aware of the rules of the game. For example, how many shots are allowed and how to calculate the team’s score.


Step-by-step guide about golf ambrose :

Form a team of two or four players.

Determine the order of play, usually by drawing straws or flipping a coin.

Each player tees off on every hole.

Please choose the best tee shot from the group and mark it on the ground.

The other players pick up their balls. They place them within one club length of the marked spot. The balls must not be closer to the hole.

Each player then hits their second shot from the new spot.

Repeat steps 4-6 until the ball is holed out.

Record the team’s score for each hole and add them up at the end of the round.


Tips for playing successfully:

Communication is vital in Ambrose Golf. Discuss each shot and choose the best option as a team.

Play to your strengths. Choose the player who has the best chance of hitting a good shot to tee off on each hole.

Take risks strategically. Ambrose Golf allows for some risk-taking, but weighing the potential rewards against the consequences is crucial.

Stay positive and have fun. Remember, Ambrose Golf is a team game; the goal is to enjoy the experience together.

Following these steps and tips, you can have a successful round of Ambrose Golf and enjoy the game with your team.

ambrose golf rules


Rules of Ambrose golf:

Here are the basic rules of Ambrose golf:

Team Composition: Each team has two, three, or four players.

Tee Shot: Each player on the team tees off on each hole. And the team selects the best tee shot among them. The ball is then placed at the location of the desired shot.

Subsequent Shots: From where the selected tee shot lands, each team member takes their next shot. And the team again selects the best shot among them. The process continues until the ball is holed out.

Minimum Drives: Typically, the rules require each team member to have a minimum number of drives. Such as four drives per player in an 18-hole game.

Handicaps: Ambrose golf can be played with or without handicaps. If handicaps are used, they are usually calculated as a percentage of the team’s combined handicaps.

Scoring: The team’s score is the total number of strokes taken to complete the round. The winning team is the one with the lowest score.

Penalty Shots: Penalty shots are awarded to a team as a consequence of rule violations. These infractions include going out of bounds, losing the ball, or hitting it into a hazard. These shots are then added to the team’s score.

Etiquette: Players are expected to follow golf etiquette, such as repairing divots, raking bunkers, and not distracting other players.

Ambrose golf is a great way to enjoy golf with friends and family while promoting teamwork and friendship.


Different Types of Ambrose Golf Formats

There are two types of Ambrose Golf formats: 2-person team Ambrose and 4-person team Ambrose.

2-Person Team

In this format, each team consists of two players. Both players tee off, then choose the best ball to play for the second shot.

They continue in this way until they complete the hole. The player whose shot was not selected is the one who hits the next shot. The team continues to alternate shots this way until they finish the hole.

The 2-person team Ambrose format is popular because it allows golfers to play with a partner and work together to achieve the best score possible. It’s also great for beginners because they can rely on their partner to help them make the best decisions on each shot. This format also allows players to hit multiple shots, giving them more chances to get the ball close to the hole.

4-Person Team

In this format, each team consists of four players. All four players tee off, then choose the best ball to play for the second shot.

They continue in this way until they complete the hole. The player whose shot was not selected is the one who hits the next shot. The team continues to alternate shots this way until they finish the hole.

The 4-person team Ambrose format is popular because it allows golfers to play with a larger group and have more fun. It also allows for more strategy, as players can play to their strengths on each shot. For example, one player may be great at hitting long drives, while another may be great at chipping and putting. This format also allows for more shots to be taken, giving players more opportunities to get the ball close to the hole.

Comparison of the Two Formats

Team-based formats are similar in that they involve choosing the best ball for each shot. However, there are some key differences between the 2-person team Ambrose and the 4-person team Ambrose formats.

The main difference is the number of players on each team. The 2-person team Ambrose format allows for a more intimate playing experience with just two players. It’s also great for beginners because they can rely on their partners to help them make decisions.

The 4-person team Ambrose format is excellent for larger groups of friends. Who wants to have fun playing golf together? It allows for more strategy and opportunities for players to showcase their skills.

Another key difference is the number of shots taken. In the 2-person team Ambrose format, each player takes fewer shots, but they have more opportunities to hit the ball. In the 4-person team Ambrose format, each player takes more shots, but they have fewer opportunities to hit the ball. Depending on the player’s skill level, this can be an advantage or a disadvantage.


Tips for Playing Successfully

Regardless of which Ambrose Golf format you choose, some tips can help you play successfully.

Communication is critical: Communicate with your partner or team to ensure you’re making the best decisions on each shot.

Play to your strengths: Identify your strengths and play to them on each shot. Take on those shots whenever possible if you’re great at chipping and putting.

Be patient: Ambrose Golf can take longer than a regular round of golf, so stay patient and enjoy the experience.

Have fun: At the end of the day,

Here are some other Tips for Ambrose golf:

Strategize team composition: Choose your team members based on their strengths. And also ensure that each team member’s contribution is valued.

Choose the right ball: The ball chosen should be one that all players are comfortable playing with. Also, ensure that it is in good condition.

Plan your shots: Plan your shots and ensure each player gets an equal opportunity to hit them.

Communicate: Communication is vital in Ambrose Golf. Communicate with your teammates to ensure everyone is on the same page and making the right decisions.

Practise your short game: Ambrose Golf is about working together as a team. Therefore, it is essential to have good short-game skills, such as putting and chipping.

Stay positive: Encourage your team members and stay positive throughout the game. This will help keep morale high and make the game more enjoyable.

In addition to these basic rules, players must follow several etiquette rules when playing Ambrose Golf.

These include:

Respect for other players: All players must respect their fellow competitors and the game of golf. This means being courteous and following the rules of golf etiquette.

The pace of play: Players must keep up with speed and not hold up other groups on the course. This means being ready to hit when it is their turn and moving quickly between shots.

Marking the scorecard: Each team must keep an accurate scorecard and ensure it is correctly marked at the end of each hole. This helps to prevent disputes and ensures that the game is played moderately.

Care for the course: All players must take care of it and leave it in the same condition as they found it. This means repairing divots, replacing the flagstick correctly, and avoiding unnecessary damage to the course.


By following these basic rules and etiquette guidelines, players can ensure an enjoyable and fair game of Ambrose Golf. It is also important to remember that the regulations of Ambrose Golf can vary depending on the specific course or tournament. So players should always check the local rules before playing

By understanding the basic rules and etiquette of the game, players can ensure fair play and respect for their fellow competitors. With some practice and teamwork, anyone can enjoy a successful round of Ambrose Golf.


Strategies and Techniques

Ambrose Golf is a team game requiring strategic planning and effective communication. Here are some strategies and techniques to consider when playing Ambrose Golf:

Determine the strengths of each team member: Before the game, discuss each person’s strengths and weaknesses with your teammates. This will help you decide which shots each player should take and which players should focus on putting.

Use the best shot: In Ambrose Golf, the team selects the best shot from each player’s shot. This means that you aim to hit your ball in a position that gives your team the best chance of success.

Play conservatively: Ambrose Golf is about the team score, unlike individual golf. It is often best to play conservatively. Focus on making consistent shots instead of trying for risky shots with a big reward.

Utilise each player’s strengths: If you have a teammate who is excellent at driving but struggles with putting, assign them to hit the long shots while another player takes on the putting. This will help you maximise each player’s strengths and improve your overall performance as a team.

Communicate effectively: Communication is vital in Ambrose Golf. Make sure to discuss each shot before you make it so everyone is on the same page. Additionally, encourage and support your teammates to keep morale high throughout the game.

Coordinate shot selection: If one player hits their ball into a tricky spot, coordinate with your team to determine the best action. This might mean sacrificing a shot to help your teammate recover or taking a more conservative approach to ensure your team doesn’t suffer too much from one player’s mistake.

Focus on putting: Putting is the most crucial part of Ambrose Golf, as it’s where the team score is ultimately determined. Make sure to practice your putting before the game and assign a player with strong putting skills to handle most of the putts.

Stay relaxed: Finally, remember to have fun and stay calm throughout the game. Golf is meant to be a leisurely sport, so don’t let the pressure of competition get to you. Stay focused, communicate effectively with your team, and enjoy the game.


Utilising these strategies and techniques can improve your team’s chances of success in Ambrose Golf. Remember that this game is all about teamwork, so work together effectively and communicate openly to achieve the best results.


Advantages of playing Ambrose Golf

Encourages teamwork: Ambrose Golf is a team game, meaning players must work together to achieve a common goal. This encourages players to communicate with each other, share ideas and support each other throughout the game. Playing this game can help build teamwork skills that can be applied to other areas of life.

Creates a sense of friendship: Ambrose Golf is a fun and relaxed game that encourages players to have a good time. This makes a sense of connection among players and helps to build lasting friendships. Playing golf together can also help to break down barriers and create a more inclusive and supportive community.

Promotes healthy competition: While Ambrose Golf is a team game, it still involves a degree of healthy competition. Players can compete against each other in a friendly and supportive environment. Which can help to build self-confidence and improve their golfing skills.

Suitable for players of all skill levels: Ambrose Golf is a proper format for players of all skill levels. Since the game is played in teams, players can support and learn from each other regardless of their skill level. This makes a great way to introduce new players to golf.

Provides a networking opportunity: Ambrose Golf is often played in a social setting, allowing players to network with other players. This can be particularly beneficial for professionals who want to meet new people and expand their professional network.


In conclusion, Ambrose Golf is a fun and exciting game format that golfers of all skill levels can enjoy. Whether playing in a 2-person or 4-person team offers a unique and challenging experience.

Beyond the sport, playing Ambrose Golf can also provide an excellent opportunity for socialising and team building. So grab some friends and hit the course for a round of Ambrose Golf. And experience the friendship and competitive spirit of this popular game format.



Q. What is Ambrose Golf?

A. Ambrose Golf is a team format where all team members tee off, select the best shot, and then all play their next shot from that spot.

Q. What are the Ambrose Golf rules?

A. The basic rules of Ambrose Golf are as follows: all team members tee off on each hole, the team selects the best shot, and all play from that spot, and this process continues until the ball is holed out.

Q. What is an Ambrose Golf handicap?

A. An Ambrose Golf handicap is a system that adjusts a team’s score based on their relative skill level. This allows teams of different skill levels to compete on an equal footing.

Q. How is the Ambrose Golf scoring system calculated?

A. The Ambrose Golf scoring system is calculated based on the number of shots the team takes to complete each hole.

Q. What are the rules of Ambrose Golf?

A. The rules of Ambrose Golf are relatively simple and are designed to keep the game fair and enjoyable for all players.